Thursday, January 21, 2010

Teenagers and the fine art of mind reading

Unfortunately, though I tell children that because I am a mother, I am a mind reader, my mother ESP failed yesterday... Big Time! The day started pleasantly enough. Duncan had asked to go with his mates to the museum and then to the Strand. I had actually been planning a museum visit myself, so agreed - I volunteered to stay with them - "Uh, no Mum, it's all right" My mother antennae went up as he was a bit short on information. I mentally had decided to stay at the museum anyway... in a non-interfering sort of supervisory way as we also have another friend visiting! As it turned out, it was a moot point as when we got there, the museum policy is that children under 16 are supervised by their parents. As the father of "the mate" that Duncan and his visitor were meeting had to leave for a meeting at 11.00, I was obliged to stay. No problem. I quickly picked up Caitlin's boyfriend (he was also going to spend the day with us) made it back to the museum in time to see Duncan and his mates had been roped into a cannon firing demonstration. The mate's father said that he would be picking his son up at 2 on The Strand. I asked whether they had made arrangements, but he said his on would be texting him. Fine. I was happy with that sure in the knowledge that they would be with me.
By then the cannon demonstration was finished and two girls had also joined the trio of boys. I was not overly surprised. I had thought the museum was an unusual choice for the boys. They all made their way to the interactive science room, having a lot of fun and making a lot of noise. I strolled up to next level to the dinosaur display area and spotted a friend near the entrance. As I chatted with her, the quintet trooped past, a couple of extras now joining them, followed by Caitlin and her boyfriend. After half an hour or so of idle chatter I suddenly realised that the area was a lot quieter. Caitlin strolled back again and I asked if she had seen the boys. No she hadn't, not recently, so we went on the hunt. A museum on three levels with lots of interactive nooks and crannies takes some time to search! We were pretty sure that they weren't there. Maybe they had popped outside? I sent Cait and her beloved out to have a scout around... no sign. I began to feel a little worm of doubt in my stomach. Surely they hadn't decided to head to the Strand without telling me? They are good responsible kids... but Duncan is 13 and with a group of other kids - lead by the pack and peer pressure - the logical part of my brain was telling me, "They are on The Strand!"
I decided to leave Caitlin and BF at the museum while I cruised The Strand - surely they'd be easy to spot! No! As I crawled up and down the street, I couldn't spot them. I began to regret that I hadn't bought Duncan a mobile phone, though the logical part of my brain also told me that he'd probably have it turned off as his sister did at every time I've needed to contact her urgently. Oh why wasn't I the sort of protective parent that as all the mates' phone numbers programmed into my phone? I knew the mate had a phone, but didn't know how to contact his father at work. I decided to ring the friend's mother, calling her out of a meeting and sheepishly explaining that I had lost the boys and asking her for his number. She gave it to me with the caveat that he probably didn't have it with him. I tried the phone - sure enough, mother knows best - no answer. What could I do? Contacting the police seemed a bit extreme. After all I had a pretty good idea where they were, I just couldn't see them. I called in the younger eyed reinforcements of Caitlin and her BF. We cruised The Strand again via the two closest Maccas (just in case) and as we neared the Rockpool, we spotted them! Relief! Now I was going to have to growl at Duncan when all I wanted to do was cry and hug him. "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?""Um didn't think about it, you knew we were going to The Strand" "The Strand is a big place - how did you think I would find you?" "Um I just thought you would" I could see him tempted to add "You did end up finding me didn't you?" but maybe a sense of self preservation saved him.

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